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Checkpoint deactivation streamlines POS operations
Checkpoint's patented RF-EAS deactivation technology integrates with POS procedures.
For retailers focused on customer service, checkout proceeds rapidly and deactivation
takes place discreetly. Regardless of tag orientation, efficient, non-contact deactivation
helps eliminate false alarms due to failure to deactivateóeliminating unnecessary embarrassment
for your customers. And only RF EAS allows simultaneous integration of price scanning and security
tag deactivation for maximum efficiency.
Checkpoint RF deactivation
* Supports high-speed cashier throughput Supports one-step scan/deactivation
* Offers the largest deactivation range
* Can be placed on or under counter for space savings and flexibility at POS
* Reduces internal theft and "unauthorized" deactivation with Interlock feature
* Does not damage merchandise, cash/credit cards or smart cards
Exclusive features enhance POS loss prevention
Checkpoint has expanded its RF EAS deactivation technology
to address other critical shrink areas. Interlock, which only
allows deactivation after a valid bar code scan, prevents cashier
sliding. Post-scanner verification alerts the cashier when a label
is not deactivated. It can also alert the store manager that an internal
theft attempt (sliding and sweethearting) might be occurring or it can activate a
CCTV system to record the event.
