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Disposable Tags
Disposable tags and labels protect a comprehensive range of merchandise
Checkpoint offers discreet, disposable adhesive-backed labels as small as 1 inch by 0.9
inches (2.54 cm by 2.29 cm) to protect a diverse array of easily-pocketed, high-shrinkage items such as:
* Apparel
* Cosmetics
* Fashion earrings
* Liquors Razor blades
* Batteries
* Film
* Vitamins
* Software
* Videocassettes
* Compact discs
* Bottles of all kinds
* Meats
* Shoes
* Hardware
Checkpoint disposable tags and labels are:
* Low cost Paper thin
* Available in a variety of standard and custom styles
* Easily imprinted using standard thermal imprinting equipment
* Deactivated without contacting the scanner or pad
* Not defeated by common household magnets
Keep would-be shoplifters guessing
Checkpoint disposable tags and labels can easily be disguised to look like standard
retail tags or be incorporated into product packaging. Many styles can be imprinted
with actual pricing and product information, so you can integrate security and inventory control.
Concealed tags are more difficult to defeat, and they extend protection to non-tagged items. This
lets you take advantage of fractional tagging strategies without compromising EAS effectiveness.
Choose the best tags for your store
* Standard pressure-sensitive labels in white, with simulated bar code or with custom promotional messages
* Imprintable tags and labels with actual price, inventory, promotional or bar-code information
* Tags for special applications such as earrings, shoes, meats, hardware and bottles
* Source tags for high-speed insertion at manufacturing or packaging level
