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SAFER products deliver secure open merchandising and tamper-proof protection
Checkpoint offers easy-to-use SAFER protective products engineered
to allow secure open merchandising in key markets. SAFER reusable
security packages are constructed of high-quality polycarbonate materials
and are designed to provide years of use. A patented magnetic lock affords
maximum security against theft. SAFER products can accommodate a variety
of other EAS tags, and are easily removed at POS with special detachers.
SAFER products include:
* Entertainment Media SAFERs, in a variety of styles, protect CDs, double CDs, digital video discs (DVDs), audio cassettes, video cassettes, video game cartridges and CD-ROMs.
* Optical SAFERs, with a patented adjustable rubber-cushioned locking mechanism, provide virtually tamper-proof protection for eyeglasses and sunglasses.
